Thursday, October 24, 2013

Eddy Family Photos // Maryland Portrait Photography

Tis the season of family photos, one of my favorite times of the year for my photography business.  I love seeing families dress up together, pick a location that is special to them, and then capture an image of their family to send out to family and friends all over.  When Sara Eddy called me asking me to do her family photos, I was really looking forward to it.  But when she added in that we should take them in her back yard where there is a lake and beautiful trees and swans, I thought maybe I was in photoshoot location heaven!

Sara's family included herself, her husband Scott, her son Bryce, her daughter Lydia, and Bryce's girlfriend Jenna.  While I always love taking photos with young kids, there is something special about family photos with adult children.  Their interactions are natural and relaxed, and their inside jokes go back a bit farther.  Brother and sister actually enjoy posing with each other and don't think the other has cooties still.  And they don't require quite so much bribing with M&Ms.

It was so fun to try different poses at different trees or different parts of the pond.  It was a truly gorgeous day on an incredible property!  We also had several animal friends join in.  Look at that little baby chihuahua!  And let's not forget Swanson and Delilah.  Yes, those are the swans.  Too.funny.

While we were taking family photos, we also threw in a few of Bryce and Jenna.  Look how lovely these sweethearts are!  They told me they are best friends.  I support that.

And some headshots for miss Lydia.  She is such a stunner!  And she looks like her momma.

It was a true blessing getting to know this lovely family.  They love each other so much and had so much fun together.  Thank you for inviting me to your beautiful home!!


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