This family is so very loving. Kait and Tim just love being parents. Lucas is such a happy and smiley boy. They welcomed me right into their world with open arms and were so trusting and kind to me. They were up for whatever I suggested, and they gave suggestions too. Most of the time, we just strolled around the park and stopped at random locations for a few photos. It was my favorite kind of shoot.
This family had such a rhythm to them. They knew each other so well! I know it seems silly to read, but as an observer and illustrator of their lives, I noticed little glances and mannerisms that spoke volumes of the love and closeness in this family. The way that Lucas snuggled against his daddy. The way that Tim put his arm around Kait. The way that Kait smiled so big to make Lucas laugh. The way they interacted with each other. The familiarity and sweetness was beautiful to see. And it was so good to see Lucas watch his parents love each other.
And I love watching how Tim and Kait love being parents. Watching them play was my favorite.
This gazebo was pretty cool.
It is no secret that I love photographing mommies and their babies. And this mommy and baby duo was pretty special.
And the two boys were pretty great together.
Kait and Tim especially wanted some photos of their little man, who will be one next month. He was so expressive and hilarious.
And I especially wanted some photos of Kait and Tim together. Even in my short time with them, I could really see a Christlike love in their marriage. They adore each other, and respect each other. And they are very very cute together. :-)
I am so grateful to have met you, Tim, Kait, and Lucas. You are a beautiful family who made me feel like a friend within a short hour photoshoot. I know God has great things in store for your family!